Hai friends....
These are the list of all programming languages arranged alphabetically...:-)
* A+. 2001 Similar to APL.
* A#. Object oriented, functional programming language, now replaced by Aldor.
* Abap. Advanced Business Application Programming. Cobol-like programming language for Sap web application servers.
* Abc.
* Action! Compiler design programming language, as Micro-SPL.
* ActionScript. 2004. Version of ECMAScript for Flash.
* Actor. 1986. Programming language and also a concept for language design (actor oriented).
* Ada. 1983.
* Afnix. 1998 Formerly Aleph. Functional language.
* Agena. 2009. Inspired from Algol and C.
* Aldor.
* Aleph. See Afnix.
* Algae. Interpreted language for numerical analysis.
* Algo. Algebraic programming language.
* Algol. 1958. Followed by Algol 60, Algol W (Wirth) and Algol 68. Has inspired Pascal.
* Alma-0. Imperative and logical programming language.
* Alphard. 1974 Name of the brightest star in Hydra. Pascal-like.
* Altran. 1968. Fortran variant.
* AmigaE. Language inspired by Ada, C++, Lisp.
* Ampl. Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming.
* Anubis. 2000. Functional, not ML, language.
* ApeScript.
* Apl. 1962. A Programming Language Compiler FAQ.
* AppleScript. 1993. English-like scripting language.
* APT. Automatically Programmed Tool. High-level language for numerically controlled machines.
* Arduino. A version of the wiring language for the open source USB controller Arduino.
* Argos. Synchronous language.
* ARS. Abstraction, Reference and Synthesis. An orientation. Inspired programming languages. An ARS++ compiler exists.
* AspectJ. Java implementation of Aspect oriented programming. Compiler Development
* Assembly.
* ATLAS. Several minor languages with this name.
* Autocode. 1952. Several versions of this primitive historical language.
* AutoIt. Automation language. Originally for scripting Windows applications, now more general.
* Averest. Synchronous language, replaced by Quartz.
* Awk. 1978. See also gawk, nawk, mawk.
* Axiom. Computer Algrebra System, actually a set of tools that uses the A# language.
* B. 1969.
* Bash. Bourne-Again shell. Actually an interpreter for Bourne shell.
* Basic. 1964.
* BAL. Assembly language for the IBM 360.
* Bcpl. 1966. Basic Combined Programming Language. Compiler. Inspired B which in turn inspired C.
* BeanShell.
* Beta.
* Bigwig.
* Bistro. 1999 Smaltalk and Java like.
* Bliss.
* Boo. 2004.
* Bourne shell. (sh) 1978. Language of commands for Unix.
* Bpel. Business Process Execution Language
* C. 1972.
* C--. Portable intermediate language. Subset of C.
* C++. 1980. The standard is C++ 98 and C++ 09 should succeed in 2009.
* C#. 2000.
* C Shell.
* Caché ObjectScript. Procedural language with database functions. Compatible with Mumps.
* Caml. Categorical Abstract Machine Language.
* Cayenne. Functionnal, near Haskell with Java features.
* Cecil. 1992 Near Modula and Objective C. (Search on the site).
* CeeBot.
* CFScript. JavaScript part of ColdFusion. See also CFML.
* Cg.
* Charity. Functional and categorical programming language.
* CHILL. Language for telecommunications. Chill 96 is object oriented and generic.
* CHR. Constraint Handling Rules.
* Chrome.
* ChucK. Multimedia concurrent language.
* Cilk. Multi-threaded and concurrent based on C.
* Clarion.
* Clean. Concurrent Clean.
* Clipper. 1984.
* CLIPS. C Language Integrated Production System. See Cool.
* Clojure. 2007. Lisp-like for the java virtual machine.
* CLOS. See Common Lisp.
* Clu. Has inspired Ruby.
* Cobol. 1959. COmmon Business Oriented Language. Inspired by Flow-matic, Fortran. ANSI standards are Cobol 58, 74, 85 and 2002 object oriented.
* CobolScript.
* Code. Visual parallel programming system.
* CoffeeScript. It compiles into JavaScript and offers a more readable syntax (just as Scriptol with PHP).
* ColdFusion. 2001. Java compatible combination of CFScript and CFML, used for dynamic web processing.
* Comal. 1973.
* CIL. Common Intermediate Language.
* Common Lisp.
* Component Pascal.- See Oberon.
* Comit.- List or string processing language
* Cool.
* Coral66.
* Corn.
* Cowsel. See POP1.
* CPL. Predecessor of BCPL.
* Csh. See C Shell.
* Curl.
* Curry.
* Cyclone.
* D. 2000.
* Databus. See PL/B.
* Dark Basic. Language for game creation.
* Datalog. Actually a deductive tool using Prolog.
* DCL. Digital Command Language. Scripting PL used on Digital computers.
* Delphi. 1995. Created by Borland, now at Embarcadero.
* Dibol.
* Disco. 1992.
* Dylan. 1992. DYNamic LANguage. Unlike Perl, only one way to do a thing.
* E. See also AmigaE.
* Ease. See Csp and Linda.
* EcmaScript. 1997.
* Edinburgh IMP. See IMP.
* Eiffel. 1986.
* Elan. 1974
* elastiC.
* Emacs Lisp.
* EGL. Enterprise Generation Language
* Epigram. A concurrent P. L.
* Erlang. 1998. ERicsson LANguage and also Agner Krarup Erlang. Functional, concurrent PL and runtime.
* Escapade. Server-side programming
* Esterel.
* Euclid.
* Euphoria. 1993. Typed scripting interpreted language.
* Euler. Successor to Algol 60. Dynamically typed.
* Exec. See Rexx.
* F.
* F#.
* Fabric. 2010, Cornell. Based on Java and Jif, it provides security on data used and stored.
* Factor. 2003.
* Fantom. 2005. C-like running on JVM and .NET.
* Felix.
* Ferite.
* FL.
* Flow-Matic. 1954.
* Focal.
* Focus.
* Foil.
* Forth. 1977. FOuRTH. Stack oriented. Used to command machines including boot of computers.
* Fortran. 1957. FORmula TRANSlator. Standard Fortran II (58), IV (61), 66, 77 (Procedural), 90, 95, 2003 (Object oriented). Language for scientific computations. Other dialects are S-Fortran, SFtran, QuickTran, LTRTran, HPF, Co-Array Fortran.
* Fortress. Designed for high performance computing.
* FP.
* Frink.
* G.
* Gams. General Algebraic Modeling System.
* Gml. Game Maker Language.
* Go. 2009. Created by Google, is C and Pascal-like. It is concurrent with a garbage collector.
* Godiva.
* Goedel.
* Gosu. 2010. Java-like running on the JVM, provides extended types.
* Groovy. Scripting language for Java.
* Hal/S. Real-time aerospace programming language
* HaScript.
* Haskell. 1990. Functional language. Haskell 98 follows. In 2002 version a lazy functional language. Compiler.
* Heron.
* HLA. High Level Assembly
* Hugo.
* HyperTalk. Hypernext and Supercard are Hypercard-like tools.
* H2o.
* IAL. 1958.
* ICI.
* Icon. 1977-79.
* IDL. 1977. Interface Definition Language. A family of descriptives languages. Compiler.
* IMP.
* Inform.
* IPL. 1956. Information Processing Language. First in list processing but replaced by Lisp.
* Intercal. 1972.
* IO.
* Iswim. 1966.
* J. 1990. Is a rework of APL.
* Jade.
* Jal.
* Janus. Predecessor of Toontalk.
* Java. 1994.
* JavaFX Script. 2008.
* JavaScript. 1996.
* JCL.
* Jif. 2001. Cornell. Java with control on information access.
* Join Java. Augmented version of Java.
* Joss. 1963. Predecessor of Mumps.
* Joule.
* Jovial. Jules Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language.
* Joy.
* JSP. See Java.
* JScript. See EcmaScript.
* Jython. See Python.
* K.
* Kid. See P-Tac.
* Kiev.
* Kogut.
* Krypton.
* LabView.
* Lagoona.
* Lava.
* Leda.
* Leopard.
* Lexico.
* Lfyre.
* Limbo. Concurrent langage, for distributed applications on the Inferno OS. Successor to Alef.
* Linc.
* LinearML. Functional language for parallel programming.
* Lingo. Several languages: Macromedia Lingo, Lingo Allegro, Linn Lingo, Lindo Lingo.
* Lisaac.
* Lisp. 1958. LISt Processing.
* Logo. 1966-68. Lisp without parenthesis. Learn programming by moving a graphical turtle. Compiler. (.Net)
* Lua. 1993. (Moon in portuguese). Scripting C-like language used mainly as extension to C.
* Lucid.
* Lush.
* Lustre.
* M from Microsoft. Modeling language.
* M. See Mumps.
* M4.
* MAD. See IAL, Algol.
* Magma.
* Maple.
* Mary.
* Mathematica. 1988. Programming language that uses algebraic notation for expressions.
* Matlab.
* Mercury. 1995. Functional logic programming language. Ported to C, Java, IL (.Net).
* Mesa.
* Metal.
* Metro. 2008. Design language from Microsoft for Windows Phone, Media Center and mobile devices. (Link on a ppc file readable with LibreOffice).
* MicroScript.
* Mimic.
* Miranda. 1989. Functional language, has inspired Haskell.
* Miva.
* Mixal. "Mix Assembly Language" for the Mix computer of Donald Knuth.
* ML.
* Moby.
* Modula-2. 1980.
* Modula-3. 1989.
* Mondrian. Haskell-like.
* Mortran. See Fortran.
* Moto.
* MSIL. See CIL.
* Mumps. 1967. Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System. Database oriented language.
* Napier 88. Persistent language. (Search on the site).
* Nemerle.
* Nesl.
* NetRexx. 1996.
* Ngl.
* Nial.
* Nice.
* Nickle.
* Noop. 2009. Java-like language designed by Google to syntactically encourage good coding practices and discouraging the worst offenses.
* Nu. 2007. Near Lisp and Ruby.
* Nosica.
* o:Xml.
* Oberon. 1985-88. (Moon of Uranus). Reflective language. Derived from Modula-2.
* Objective-C. 1982. C plus Smalltalk, used in GNUStep environment.
* Objective Caml. 1996. ML-derived, functional and imperative language. Extends Caml.
* Objective J. 2008. Sur-ensemble de JavaScript utilisant la librairie Ojective-C.
* Objective Modula 2. 2006. Combination of Objective-C, Smalltalk and Modula 2.
* Obliq.
* OCaml. See Objective Caml above.
* Occam. (Occam-Pi, occam-p)
* Octave. For numerical computation.
* Opal.
* OPL. Open (or Organizer) Programming Language.
* Ops5.
* Orc. A language for distributed and concurrent programming, working through sites. May be used for Web scripting.
* Oz.
* Pascal. 1968-71. Name of a french mathematician.
* PBasic.
* Perl. 1987.
* PHP. 1995. Personal Home Page Hypertext Processor. PHP 5 in 2004. PHP 6 in 2007.
* Pico.
* Pike.
* Pilot.
* Pizza.
* PL 11.
* PL/0.
* PL/B.
* PL/C. Subset of PL/1
* PL/I. 1964. Programming Language One.
* PL/M.
* Plankalkül. 1946.
* Pliant.
* Pop-11.
* Poplog.
* Portran.
* Pov-Ray.
* Processing.
* Profan.
* Prograph.
* Prolog.
* Proteus.
* P-Tac. Parallel language.
* Python. 1991. Scripting interpreted language.
* Q.
* QuakeC. Version of C for the Quake game.
* QML. Or QPL. Set of programming languages for quantum computers.
* QML. Declarative language to design user interfaces, similar to JavaFX, for Qt.
* R. 1998. Language and environment for statistical computation and graphics. Derived from the S language it is near Scheme.
* R++. C++ with rules added.
* Rascal. Version of Pascal for kids.
* Ratfiv. Version of Ratfor for a computer.
* Ratfor. 1975. Version of Fortran.
* RC. Rc shell, Plan9 command language ported further to Unix.
* Realbasic.
* Rebol. 1997. Relative Expression Based Object Language. Dynamic language with numerous predefined types.
* Refal. 1968. REcursive Functions Algorithmic Language.
* Revolution. Version of Hypertalk.
* RPG. 1960+ Report Program Generator. Query tool extended in a programming language for IBM. Main versions are RPG II, RPG III, RPG/400, RPG IV.
* RPL. Langage for calculators similar to Forth.
* Rexx. 1979. REstructured eXtended eXecutor. Designed for IBM OS scripting but ported on other platforms.
* Rigal.
* Rlab.
* RSL. Robot Scripting Language.
* Ruby. 1995 Follows a "principle of least surprise", each thing must be intuitive. Scripting, multi-paradigm, object oriented.
* Rust. 2006. Concurrent language by Mozilla Labs inspired of C and improved for safety. Alternative to Go.
* S. (S-plus) See Tinn-R. The R framework hold an implementation.
* S2.
* Sail. Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
* SAM76. Implementation of Trac.
* SAS. Fortran specialized in statistical reports.
* Sather. Eiffel-like language.
* Scala. 2004.
* Scheme. 1975.
* Scratch. 2007. Educational language developed by MIT consisting of blocks to be assembled. The same principle was used for the OpenBlocks Java library.
* Scriptol. 2001 Object oriented and XML oriented. Interpreter, PHP compiler.
* Sed. Stream EDitor.
* Seed7. 2005.
* Self. 1993.
* SETL. Has inspired ABC, predecessor of Python.
* Short Code. 1949. Precursor of programming languages.
* SimsScript. Fortran specialized in mathematical simulations.
* Simmunity. Language for Internet based on APL
* Simula. 1962.
* SISAL. Streams and Iteration in a Single Assignment Language
* Slate.
* Slip. Symmetric LIst Processor. Actually an extension to fortran and other programming languages.
* Smalltalk.
* Snobol. 1962. Snobol 3 (1965), 4 (1966).
* SOAP. Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program, IBM 650 assembly language.
* Spitbol. SPeedy ImplemenTation of snobOL. Actually a compiled version of Snobol.
* Snowball.
* SP/k. Subset of PL/1, used for teaching.
* SPL.
* Squeak.
* SR. Synchronizing Resources
* SSL.
* Standard ML.
* Subtext.
* SuperCollider.
* SuperX++. 2001. XML language.
* SyncCharts.
* Synergy/DE.
* T. 1980+ A version of Lisp.
* TACL. Tandem Advanced Command Language. Scripting language used by Hewlett-Packard.
* Tacpol. Implementation of PL/I, was used by US army.
* TADS. Text Adventure Development System. A language to make games.
* TAL. Transaction Application Language, cross between C and Pascal used for Tandem computers.
* Transcript. Voir Revolution.
* Tcl. 1988. Tool Command Language. Tk is the graphical toolkit.
* Telcomp. 1965. Derived from Joss, conversationnal language used on PDP computers until 1974. Influenced Mumps.
* Tempo.
* Tinn-r.
* Titanium.
* TI-Basic.Basic-like language for calculators.
* Tom.
* Tpu. Scripting programming language for VAX/VMS (not verified).
* Trac. 1960+. Text Reckoning And Compiling.
* TTCN-3. Testing and Test Control Notation. Formerly: "Tree and Tabular Combined Notation".
* Turing. 1982. Pascal-like, derived from Euclid.
* Tutor. 1965. CAI programming language.
* TXL. 1988. Derived from Turing above.
* Ubercode. 2005. Cross between Eiffel and Basic.
* Unicon. Unified Extended Dialect of Icon.
* UnrealScript. Scripting games.
* UrbiScript. Robot programming language.
* UML. Unified Modeling Language. Visual programming language.
* Verilog HDL. A hardware description language.
* VHDL. VHSIC Hardware Description Language.
* VDS. Visual DialogScript.
* Virt. Pascal-like with Prolog features, for Artificial Intelligence problem solving. Interpreter.
* Visual Basic. 1991.
* Visual Basic .NET.
* VBScript.Visual Basic Script Edition.
* Water. XML-embedded programming language.
* Whitespace. Actually a joke, an "esoteric" programming language, but with a real interpreter!
* Winbatch. Scripting language for Windows.
* Wiring. C-like language dedicated to electronics.
* XOTcl. Object oriented version of TCL.
* XPL. 1967. Derived from PL/I, for compiler writing.
* XL. Implements concept programming.
* Yorick. Language for scientific calculations and simulations.
* Z notation. Visual specification of programs like UML.
* ZPL.
* ZOPL. (Not verified)
* ZUG. (Not verified)
Markup languages and data formats
* CFML. ColdFusion Markup Language.
* EmotionML. An XML dialect for representing emotions, by the W3C..
* HTML. HyperText Markup Language.
* PostScript. 1985.
* Protocol Buffers. By Google, became open in 2008.
* RDF. Resource Description Framework.
* SGML. 1969.
* SVG. Scalable Vector Graphic.
* Tex.
* XAML. eXtensible Application Markup Language.
* XBL. eXtensible Bindings Language. For widget creating in Xml based languages.
* Xforms. Web graphical interactive user interface.
* XML. eXtensible Markup Language.
* XUL. XML-based User interface Language.
Query or database oriented languages
* Aubit-4GL. See Informix.
* D4 or Dataphor. Based on Tutorial D.
* Dataflex. 1980. Database programming language.
* dBase. programming language.
* Hypertalk. 1987. Card language for Apple.
* Informix-4GL. 4GL means for fourth generation specialized language. Informix is specialized in databases and reports.
* pl/SQL. SQL extension.
* SQL. 1987. Structured Query Language.
* Tutorial D.
* Visual Foxpro. Derived from dBase.
* xBaseScript. (xbScript) Clipper database scripting
These many Languages.. :)